TailWind Airline Consulting is a company founded by Joachim Zintl. Joachim worked in travel and aviation business since more than 30 years. He has his roots in the Passenger Service area for airlines and extended his knowledge throughout various departments He defined and created new processes which helped airlines to evolve, increase their revenue and to optimize existing functions. Joachims knowledge spans from ticketing and related service processes up to in depth financial skills around Passenger Revenue Accounting.

In this complex area, he spent the past 15 years working for the key players of the airline industry, which develop and maintain airline IT solutions. The airline customers Joachim was responsible for during those years ranged from small carriers up to major airlines and alliances. He comes with a wide knowledge about industry standards and regulations, various IT solutions, new and innovative ideas and a forward thinking mindset for the future to come.

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Duis pulvinar arcu a ultrices monk dapibus. Etiam suscipit sed quam vel auctor.

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Duis pulvinar arcu a ultrices monk dapibus. Etiam suscipit sed quam vel auctor.

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consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed neque mauris, porta id arcu ac, sagittis auctor ante.

Take control over messages

blandit porta, viverra nec metus. Maecenas in magna ullamcorper dolor commodo.

Our experts

Aenean nulla massa, feugiat nec blandit porta, viverra nec metus. Maecenas in magna ullamcorper dolor.

linda mccartney

consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed neque mauris, porta id arcu ac, sagittis auctor ante monke di paserstion.


Nulla faucibus commodo Duis pulvinar arcu a ultrices monk dapibus. Etiam suscipit sed quam vel auctor.

victor garberl

“My day is usually quite hectic. Before I used Taskraft I had to juggle all my various tasks in my mind throughout the day.
Taskraft helped me get more organized, and now I simply get more done.”

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About us

Phasellus sodal dictum dolor quis fringilla. Nunc accumsan velit sit amet enim maximus solsodales.

Our mission

Etiam fringilla lobortis risus, sed accumsan enim rutrum vel. Aenean iaculis magna libero, at blandit augue rhoncus sed.

Our offer